SPECIAL OFFER: A set of all ten Massive Machines DVDs for only £119.95 (free postage UK and Europe). Offer ends midnight March 1, 2024.
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Massive Earthmoving Machines 10-DVD Special Offer
The 10 Massive Earthmoving Machines DVDs contain over 800 minutes (13 ½ hours) of some truly large earthmoving machines, some the largest of their kind to be found anywhere.
The Special Offer price of £119.95 is a saving of £46.00 on the recommended retail price of £165.50. On top of this we will post the complete set free within the UK and Europe
Produced between 2008 and 2012, the following provides a brief summary of some of the main machines you will see in the 10 Massive Earthmoving Machines DVDs:
PART ONE – Belle Ayr and Beener Coal. Filmed at two huge America surface coal mines, one of the world’s biggest electric shovels, the P&H 4100XPB, is removing overburden above the coal seams. It loads Caterpillar 797B haul trucks. The programme also includes the world’s biggest motor grader, the Cat 24-H. We also see a Bucyrus-Erie 295B series II diesel-powered rope shovel, and Komatsu’s D575A – the world’s largest bulldozer. Programme length: 70 minutes.
PART TWO – Black Thunder and Garzweiler. The largest walking dragline working in North America and a Bucyrus-Erie 2570-WS called “Ursa Major” is the star at the huge Black Thunder coal mine. Other machines filmed include a Bucyrus 495 HR electric rope shovel and the Cat 657E motor scraper, both the world’s largest of their kinds. Bucket-wheel excavator 288 at the Garzweiler brown coal mine is the world’s largest terrestrial moving machine. It can extract and convey 12,500cu.m. of material an hour. Programme length: 70 minutes.
PART THREE – Aitik Copper mine. Filmed north of the Arctic Circle at Boliden’s Swedish Aitik copper mine, some of the machines are the only ones of their kinds to be found in Europe. Two immense electric rope shovels – P&H 4100A and a 1,300-tonne Bucyrus 495B11 – are accompanied by a 500-tonne class Komatsu PC5500 electro-hydraulic excavator. Trucks include Caterpillar 793s, as well as Lectra Haul MT4000 diesel-electrics, which when fully loaded weigh close to 400 tonnes. The DVDe also includes a nearly 200-tonne Cat 994 wheeled loaders and a Cat D10 dozer. Programme length: 76 minutes.
PART FOUR – Mountain Movers. For the first part of this programme we visit three Spanish coal mines and filmed a 520-tonne Hitachi EX5500 hydraulic excavator filling Cat 789C trucks. Nearby, a Komatsu D475A dozer – the biggest in Europe – is ripping through rock, and we also see Cat’s 5010B and 5130B. Other large excavators include a Komatsu PC3000 and Hitachi EX3600. The second half of the programme takes us to the Luzenac talc mine in French Pyrenees Mountains where we see a 340-tonne Liebherr R994B excavator filling Komatsu HD985 and Cat 777 trucks with overburden. We also see a Cat 992G wheeled loader. Programme length: 90 minutes.
PART FIVE – Britain’s Massive Miners Part 1. The first-part of this two-part programme is devoted mainly to some of the large Komatsu and Hitachi hydraulic excavators working in Britain’s surface coal mines. Featured machines include a couple of 250-tonne Komatsu PC 3000s loading Cat 777F trucks with overburden. We also see a Demag H185S and a couple of 190-tonne Hitachi EX 1900s. The programme also includes O&K RH 120-Cs still going strong after twenty years, plus a newer Cat-powered Terex O&K 120-E. Programme length: 79 minutes.
PART SIX – Britain’s Massive Miners Part 2 focuses mainly on large Liebherr, Caterpillar and Terex O&K RH hydraulic excavators working in Britain’s surface coal mines. Highlights include a 340-tonne O&K RH170, and an ageing 480-tonne O&K RH200 loading equally old Cat 789 trucks. We also see the biggest Terex excavator in the country – the Terex O&K RH 200. At work in a Yorkshire limestone quarry is a classic Cat 5130B, and in Scotland we see examples of the Liebherr’s R9350. There is even a quick look at a decommissioned Bucyrus-Erie 1260W walking dragline called Chevington Collier. Programme length: 82 minutes.
PART SEVEN – Massive Backhoe Dredgers shows some of the world’s largest and most powerful hydraulic backhoe dredgers at work on their pontoons. Developing the southern end of Felixstowe’s Trinity terminal is ‘Maricavor’ a 300-tonne Komatsu PC3000. At work in the Finnish Gulf of Bothnia are two Hitachi EX1900s and ‘Nordic Giant’, a Liebherr P995 that shifts 12,000 cubic metres of material a day. An even larger Liebherr, a 520-tonne P996 capable of reaching down to 37 metres, is operating near the Belgian coast at Ostend. There is also footage from the Pacific of a Backacter BA1100 whose 25 cu.m. bucket lifts 810 cu.m. an hour. Programme length: 100 minutes.
PART EIGHT – Scrap Metal Giants. This programme starts at a site at Liverpool Docks where ferrous metal is loaded onto ships by four very special high-rise Liebherr 984s. We then move to Norway’s coast to watch old oil rig sections cut up by a huge demolition machine based on a Cat 5130B mining excavator. In Belgium we see a number of E-Cranes, and back in the UK, another example of a balance crane – the Sennebogen 880D – unloads steel bars on the south coast. We see Swedish-made MultiDockers at Thamesteel at Sheerness, and watch how scrap metal is taken to the furnace. Programme length: 88 minutes.
PART NINE – Massive Wheeled Loaders Part One. The focus in this programme is on machines from Caterpillar, Liebherr and Volvo. The stars are the Cat 994s loading limestone in a Belgian limestone quarry. Other Cats included in the programme are a 988H and 992G, and at a French limestone quarry we filmed a 130-tonne 993K. Liebherr’s largest wheeled loader, the L586, works in a marble quarry in the mountains at Carrara, Italy, which is also home to Volvo’s flagship model – the 50-tonne L350F. Programme length: 75 minutes.
PART TEN – Massive Wheeled Loaders Part Two. Monsters from Hitachi, LeTourneau and Komatsu feature in this DVD. The programme starts in Norway with a 100-tonne LeTourneau L1000. However, this is dwarfed by the 180-tonne L1400 we see in Belgium. In a Carrara marble quarry, Italy, we see Hitachi’s largest wheeled loader, the 46-tonne ZW550, using stone forks to move blocks of marble. Komatsu wheeled loaders filmed include a WA1200 at work in the Norwegian ilmenite mine. Currently the world’s largest mechanical loader, this 200-tonne brute comfortably shifts 40-45 tonnes an hour – sometimes more. Programme length: 75 minutes.